rapidroot root pile foundation
Rapidroot piling system

All terrain foundations, Build anywhere!

The ultimate concrete free, environmentally friendly foundation system you can build anywhere. RapidRoot combined with RapidPier facilitates construction in remote sites in largely unaccessible locations, without the need for large or specialised machinery required by screw piles, concrete or other methods. Perfect for remote resorts, hospitality facilities or low impact building in general.
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RapidRoot all terrain foundations

RapidRoot is a complete foundation solution that can include posts, wind bracing and ring beams for residential or commercial structures.
We have provided complete foundations, podium and floor structures for timber frame, SIPS and steel frame buildings in locations as diverse as sand dunes, deep forests and beach front resorts.
Rapidroot have developed dozens of precise and adjustable interface details and systems to connect to structures of all types, our engineers can resolve your foundation problem.  
Modular by design , RapidRoot is simple.
RapidRoot elements, either in single units or combined in joining structures can resove loads anywhere from 50kn to 500kn and beyond. RapidRoot works both in compression and traction scenarios. Our systems manufactured in full marine aluminium construction, we employ our own proprietry MagnaPiles, reinforced marine aluminium piles far superior to galvnized steel tubing.
rapidroot R4 modular pile system
rapidroot rr6 modular pile solution
RR8 rapidroot
The RapidRoot body unit is a modular generic central core, to which pile guides are added to the exterior of the body as required for your building.
Configurations include either 4, 6 or 8 pile guides per standard RapidRoot body depending on building loads and the soil conditions.
RapidRoot offers superior construction: plug and play nature, higher loads and better corrosion resistance than any other system on the market.
rapidroot eco foundation system
For larger loads or poorer soils our largest pile caps/piles RR12 & RR16 are the solution. RR16 has been employed with loads greater than 200kn in real world conditions (not unrealistic theoretical loads adverstised by other systems). RapidRoot can enable construction in the most challenging of places and environments. For complete post and ring beam, platform solutions see the link below.
Go to the RapidPier page
*Note: not all solutions are available in all territories.
Rapidroot piling system

Unrivaled flexibility

RapidRoot modular range of pile caps and piles offer the utmost flexibility, adding or removing pile guides to adapt to load and purpose. The central body is a flat-packed assembly of plates and internal reinforcements slotted together, bolted and braced into an integral pile cap. Simplifying manufacturing, shipping and assembly.
Pile guides are also available to receive different diameter Magnapiles, again adding or reducing components to match building load, soil conditions and the corrosion environment. A unique, scalable, modular system for permanent long lasting foundations.

eco all terrain foundation solution, low impact
MagnaPile is our proprietary range of reinforced custom piles fabricated in marine grade aluminium, they are at the heart of our system solutions.

These piles have ultra-high corrosion resistance far superior to off the shelf galvanized tubes used by inferior systems. MagnaPile meets the design requirements of residential and civil works in the most corrosive soil types and can be specified to over 100 years design life (soil dependant).
There is simply no comparison to anything else on the market.

Go to the RapidPier page
48mm piles
Rapidroot Base piles are the most economical option. For smaller buildings  and better soils, in many cases 48mm is ideal.
60mm piles
Rapidroot Mag piles are for poorer soils and larger loads, its our go-to pile for larger buildings and structures with longer required design life.

Engineered foundation Solutions

Without the high price
Our concrete free foundations systems can be supplied as complete kits of footings, posts, bracing and fixings, engineer designed and signed off for for complicance with your local building codes or building control. All our components are expertly designed and optimized to cope with both environmental conditions and the loads of your buildings. Rapidroots all aluminium construction gives our clients the confidence to use our technology even in the most high end of projects in the most extreme enviroments. Save money, build better, build faster.
flood level foundation systems for flood zones
Think outside the box
Contact us with your foundation problem. We can design a solution to fit. Rapidroot foundations are a modern solution to old problems, forget contaminating concrete or limited corrosion prone ground screws, our systems can change the way you build.
Ask us a question
Rapidroot piling system

RapidRoot pile loading guide

Approximate loading guide in both compression and traction based on a given kN load and a given soil SPT bore hole value, this example is fixed at 2m deep piles for simplicity, indicating a given number of piles per pile cap. It serves only as a rough example of capacities. Actual pile cap specification and pile depth must be calculated by a RapidRoot engineer and is project specific.

RapidPier posts & podiums

all terrain construction

RapidRoot combined with RapidPier makes building on slopes and rough ground easy, leverage low value sites or tread light on sensitive locations.
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Rapidroot piling system

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